TAO online services are provided to you as a student or employee of Montclair State University for free.
Start Feeling Better Now.
TAO is easy to access and use.
Here’s what you can expect:
- Guided therapy for stress, anxiety, depression, and other concerns.
- No matter where you are, TAO provides help and support.
- The TAO platform is completely private and secure.
- The TAO Mobile app makes it easy to practice skills like changing thought patterns and learning to relax.
Get TAO Now!
- Visit our TAO Website.
- Click the “Sign Me Up” button.
- Use your @lsxythnjy.com email address.
- Choose a password you’ll remember.
- Agree to the Terms of Use.
- You will receive an email with more information!
Try these TAO modules for the following concerns:
Academic Struggles:
Calming Your Worry- Student
Module 1: Understanding Anxiety and Worry (1 hour 30 minutes)
Session 1: Program Introduction
Session 2: Goal Setting
Session 3: Motivation
Session 4: What is Anxiety?
Session 5: The Cognitive Response System
Session 6: Causes of Anxiety and Unhelpful Practices
Recovery Skills and Topics:
Time Management in Recovery (50 minutes)
Session 1: Setting Priorities
Session 2: Obstacles to Effective Time Management
Interpersonal Relationships and Communication:
Problem Solving (50 minutes)
Session 1: Problem Solving Model
Session 2: Thinking Habits
Are You on the Right Path?:
Let Go and Be Well
Module 5: Values (1 hour 15 minutes)
Session 1: Values
Session 2: Defining Your Values
Module 6: Taking Action (30 minutes)
Building Resilience:
Calming Your Worry- Student
Module 3: Thoughts, Assumptions, and Core Beliefs (1 hour 55 minutes)
Session 1: Defining Thoughts, Assumptions, and Core Beliefs
Session 2: Unhelpful Thoughts
Session 3: Challenging Thoughts
Session 4: Challenging Assumptions
Session 5: Core Beliefs
Session 6: Challenging Core Beliefs
Let Go and Be Well:
Module 1: Introduction to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (40 minutes)
Session 1: Getting Stuck in Our Thoughts
Session 2: The Six Core Principles of ACT
Module 2: Fusion and Defusion (40 minutes)
Session 1: Fusion and Defusion
Session 2: Defusion Strategies
Module 4: Mindfulness (20 minutes)
Interpersonal Relationships and Communication
Communication Strategies (45 minutes)
Problem Solving (50 minutes)
Session 1: Problem Solving Model
Session 2: Thinking Habits
Handling Perfectionism:
Calming Your Worry- Student
Module 1: Understanding Anxiety and Worry (1 hour 30 minutes)
Session 1: Program Introduction
Session 2: Goal Setting
Session 3: Motivation
Session 4: What is Anxiety?
Session 5: The Cognitive Response System
Session 6: Causes of Anxiety and Unhelpful Practices
Module 2: Relaxation and Anxiety Reduction (30 minutes)
Session 1: Relaxation
Session 2: Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Session 3: Deep Breathing
Session 4: Guided Imagery
Module 3: Thoughts, Assumptions, and Core Beliefs (1 hour 55 minutes)
Session 1: Defining Thoughts, Assumptions, and Core Beliefs
Session 2: Unhelpful Thoughts
Session 3: Challenging Thoughts
Session 4: Challenging Assumptions
Session 5: Core Beliefs
Session 6: Challenging Core Beliefs
Module 4: Mindfulness (40 minutes)
Session 1: Mindfulness
Session 2: Mindfulness Tips
Session 3: Mindfulness Exercise
Interpersonal Relationships and Communication
Problem Solving (50 minutes)
Session 1: Problem Solving Model
Session 2: Thinking Habits
Healing from a Breakup:
Leave Your Blues Behind
Module 2: Understanding Stress and Relaxation (45 minutes)
Session 1: Stress and Depression
Session 2: Relaxation Strategies
Module 3: Unhealthy and Healthy Thoughts (10 minutes)
Module 6: Relationships, Lifestyle, and Problem Solving (1 hour)
Session 1: Lifestyle Factors
Session 1: Social Support
Session 3: Problem Solving
Health and Wellbeing:
Calming Your Worry – Student
Module 2: Relaxation and Anxiety Reduction (1 hour)
Session 1: Relaxation
Session 2: Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Session 3: Deep Breathing
Session 4: Guided Imagery
Module 6: Lifestyle Factors (30 minutes)
Session 1: Lifestyle Factors
Session 2: Nutrition
Session 3: Physical Exercise and Sleep
Social Connections:
Improving Your Mood
Module 1: Behavioral Activation (35 minutes)
Session 1: Sources of Well-being
Session 2: Recognizing Depression Traps
Module 2: Make an Activation Plan and Identifying Values (40 minutes)
Session 1: Activation Plan
Session 2: Road Map for Activation
Session 3: Values
Interpersonal Relationships and Communication:
Communication Strategies (45 minutes)
Relationships (45 minutes)
Communication Styles (1 hour 5 minutes)
Session 1: Different Types of Communication
Session 2: Understanding and Avoiding Drama in Relationships
Stress Management
Calming Your Worry- Student
Module 2: Relaxation and Anxiety Reduction (30 minutes)
Session 1: Relaxation
Session 2: Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Session 3: Deep Breathing
Session 4: Guided Imagery
Interpersonal Relationships and Communication
Problem Solving (50 minutes)
Session 1: Problem Solving Model
Session 2: Thinking Habits
Time Management:
Recovery Skills and Topics
Time Management in Recovery (50 minutes)
Session 1: Setting Priorities
Session 2: Obstacles to Effective Time Management